
5 Skills that Every Freelancer Needs to Have

What we get taught in school and what we learn in the real world are often very different. For example, while we’re taught basic math, most of us aren’t taught how to manage money in school. The same is true for a freelancer. Many people start freelancing because they’re really good at something—writing, content development, social […]

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How to Stir Up Business When It’s Slow

It’s easy to be stressed out right now if you’re a startup or a small business owner. The economy almost everywhere is shaky due to the coronavirus pandemic curbing normal activities. Many businesses of all sizes are struggling to cope with the current environment, balancing the need to survive with things like worker and customer safety.  When […]

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4 Essential Items to Include in a Proposal

Whether you’re new to freelancing or you’ve been doing it for years, knowing how to write a proposal is an essential part of running a freelance business. Unfortunately, this is one of those things that they don’t teach in school. There are a number of different ways to approach proposal writing, and there are even […]

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Business Lessons from Movies and TV

When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re always on the lookout for ideas or tips, or business lessons to improve your business. That could be both from a personal development standpoint, but it could also be ideas to make your business run better. Luckily, pop culture has no shortage of examples of what to do (and a […]

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Need a Team in a Hurry? Thankz Can Help!

In today’s high-speed business world, it’s essential that businesses have the ability to be quick and agile, adjusting to shifting market conditions and unexpected customer demands. Sometimes, it’s enough to just hire a freelancer or remote worker to get a job done.  You just need a team. But what happens if you need something a little less tactical and […]

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How to Automate Your Business So You Can Go on Vacation

It’s getting to be that time of year when our thoughts turn away from winning new clients and growing our business to going somewhere to unwind. You might be the world’s most productive and amazing business owner, but taking a vacation is essential for both mental and physical health. But have you ever gone on […]

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3 Essential Tools for Digital Nomads

Thanks to a confluence of technology and shifts in attitudes about where work gets done, there are now more digital nomads than ever. According to one study, there are about 4.8 million Americans who consider themselves digital nomads, while an additional 27 percent of workers say they’re interested in becoming one in the next 2-3 years.  And with the coronavirus pandemic […]

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How to Engineer Business Growth during the Pandemic

It’s no secret that many business sectors around the world are struggling to keep their heads above water during the coronavirus pandemic. From travel to hospitality and tourism to retail and manufacturing, many companies have seen considerable declines in revenues and slow in business growth, And while companies consider how to balance profits with worker […]

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How to Build a Business without Hiring Anyone

When you think about scaling a business, you might think it takes a lot of hard work, long hours, and hiring lots of employees. Indeed, business success often comes to those who put in the time and effort to build it, but in today’s uncertain economy, hiring anyone can represent a real risk.   For one, they’re expensive. […]

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How to Hire a Digital Marketer

It’s nearly impossible to market a business today without using digital tools. But if you don’t have a good understanding of these tools and how to best deploy them, you probably need some support like a Digital Marketer. Even if you do understand digital marketing, you might find it more valuable to hire an expert […]

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