Are times getting tough economically for your business? Running a business is hard enough without the added stress of finances taking a dive. With economic recessions, companies can suffer in many ways. Here are seven practical tips to save money during a recession. Understand how each tip could benefit your bottom line before investing time […]
It can be incredibly tough for US employers to manage their job hunt in the current market. With companies becoming increasingly globalized, international workers are key to success, and hiring remotely quickly becomes standard practice. This makes it difficult to understand the nuances of recruiting from cultures worldwide – and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed […]
Recessions are difficult times for businesses – they bring a decrease in spending, volume of products and services, as well as profits. During these periods, reducing business costs wherever possible while maintaining quality service and output is important. One cost-effective strategy is outsourcing overseas staffing solutions; with the right partners, you can benefit from access […]
Whether you’re launching a new business or expanding an existing one, hiring and managing remote employees can be a cost-effective and time-saving solution for businesses, but it also brings its own unique set of challenges. Managing these professionals from afar also has its own set of challenges. How do you find great remote candidates? What […]
The modern business landscape is increasingly globalized, with companies spanning different countries and continents. This shift has put organizations under pressure to develop innovative strategies to remain competitive – one of them being the option to hire remote workers. With the proper setup, remote working teams can increase efficiency while bringing down costs; it makes […]
Struggling to hire in a tight market? It’s time to think beyond borders and start leveraging qualified offshore talent. Here’s how you can use Thankz to grow your staff overseas. Find and Vet Candidates Across a Range of Disciplines Hiring the right person the first time can be a difficult and time consuming process. With […]
Finding top talent in a recession can be a challenging task. With the economy still in a slump, many of today’s job seekers are wary of leaving secure positions for something new and uncertain. This means that companies looking to hire top-tier professionals need to rethink their recruitment strategies and come up with creative ways […]
Hiring employees across borders requires additional steps and details that differ from hiring locally. It’s more than just paperwork, too; when bringing on team members from other countries, you’ll need to consider things like cultural alignment, time zones, language barriers, and other factors that you wouldn’t necessarily experience in your own city. Let’s look at […]
Before the days of computers and remote work, companies were largely reliant on the local job market for good candidates. Times have changed, though, and the same borders that exist between cities, states, and countries no longer apply to the business world. Adopting a global hiring strategy is becoming more common, thanks to a wide […]
Outsourcing your business need to freelancers has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to get things done. Rather than hiring a full-time employee, businesses are turning to freelancers who offer their services online. The top 10 online platforms for finding freelancers are Thankz, Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, Guru, Toptal, 99designs, PeoplePerHour, DesignCrowd, Crowded, and SimplyHired. […]