
The Hidden Costs of Hiring Locally vs. Internationally

When building a talented and efficient workforce, businesses often weigh the pros and cons of hiring locally versus internationally. While the direct costs of salaries and benefits are usually at the forefront of this decision, numerous hidden costs can influence your hiring strategy’s overall expense and effectiveness. Understanding these hidden costs is crucial for making informed decisions that align with your business goals and budget. Here’s a closer look at the hidden costs of hiring locally versus internationally and why international hiring might be the smarter choice for your business. 


  1. Recruitment and Onboarding Costs

Local Hiring 

When hiring locally, businesses often invest significant resources in recruitment processes. This includes advertising job openings, conducting interviews, and the time HR teams spend vetting candidates. Additionally, the onboarding process can be time-consuming, involving orientation sessions, training, and integration into the company culture. These costs can quickly add up, particularly if turnover rates are high. 

International Hiring 

Hiring internationally may seem complex, but it often leads to more streamlined recruitment processes. Partnering with a global staffing agency like Thankz can reduce recruitment costs because we handle all the sourcing, vetting, and onboarding. Thankz’s expertise in managing global staff ensures that your business finds the right talent efficiently, reducing the time and cost associated with these processes. 


  1. Overhead and Operational Expenses

Local Hiring 

Local employees often require physical office space, utilities, and equipment, contributing to overhead costs. In addition, expenses related to office maintenance, supplies, and the provision of benefits such as transportation allowances or meals can be substantial, especially for businesses in high-cost areas. 

International Hiring 

International employees working remotely eliminates the need for physical office space and associated costs. This model allows businesses to operate leanly, investing savings into other critical areas such as technology or employee development. Thankz helps you set up and manage your remote team, ensuring that your operations remain efficient and cost-effective without the burden of high overhead costs. 


  1. Talent Availability and Opportunity Costs

Local Hiring 

Finding the right talent in some regions can take time and effort, leading to longer recruitment times and higher opportunity costs. The longer it takes to fill a position, the longer your business may operate below its full potential. Additionally, settling for a less-than-ideal candidate due to local talent shortages can result in lower productivity and missed growth opportunities. 

International Hiring 

Expanding your search globally gives you access to a vast pool of highly skilled candidates, increasing the likelihood of finding the perfect fit quickly. This reduces the hiring time and ensures your business can continue operating at peak efficiency. Moreover, international hires often bring diverse perspectives and innovative solutions, driving growth and competitive advantage. Thankz connects your business with a global talent pool, minimizing the opportunity costs of lengthy local hiring processes. Our extensive network and expertise in international hiring mean you get access to the best talent quickly. 


  1. Reducing Labor Costs

Local Hiring 

Hiring locally often means dealing with higher labor costs, especially in regions with higher living expenses. While you may find talented individuals, the higher cost of living in some areas can increase salary expectations, increasing your overall payroll expenses. 

International Hiring 

Companies can minimize costs without sacrificing quality by hiring from countries with lower labor costs. Outsourcing overseas can cost up to 60% less than hiring locally. This significant cost reduction allows businesses to allocate resources more efficiently, investing in other areas of growth while still securing top talent. By hiring internationally, businesses can achieve a balance between cost savings and maintaining high standards of work quality. Thankz helps you navigate this process, ensuring you find the best talent at competitive rates while maintaining the quality your business demands. 


  1. Compliance and Legal Costs

Local Hiring 

Hiring locally may seem straightforward, but compliance with labor laws, tax regulations, and employee rights can be complex and costly. Ensuring compliance often requires legal consultation, regular audits, and updates to contracts and policies. Non-compliance can lead to penalties and legal disputes, further increasing costs. 

International Hiring 

While international hiring involves navigating different legal landscapes, Thankz ensures compliance with local labor laws, tax regulations, and other legal requirements, reducing the risk of costly legal issues. We handle all legal and payroll complexities so you can focus on your team. 


  1. Employee Retention and Turnover Costs

Local Hiring 

High turnover rates can be costly, requiring repeated recruitment, training, and onboarding investment. Local employees may have more opportunities to switch jobs, leading to higher turnover rates and associated costs. 

International Hiring 

International employees, especially those working remotely, may demonstrate higher job satisfaction and loyalty due to remote work’s flexibility and work-life balance. This can lead to lower turnover rates and reduced costs associated with rehiring and retraining. 


While hiring locally might seem more straightforward, hidden costs can add up quickly, affecting your bottom line. International hiring offers a cost-effective alternative, with benefits beyond just salaries and benefits. Your business can thrive in the competitive global market by tapping into a global talent pool, reducing overhead, and ensuring compliance. 

At Thankz, we specialize in helping businesses navigate the complexities of hiring and managing international staff. We handle everything from identifying the right talent to ensuring their successful integration into your team while managing the legal and payroll complexities of international hiring. This allows you to free up your resources to concentrate on your business.   

For more information on how Thankz can transform your approach to global hiring, visit our website or contact us directly. Let’s make the world your office together.